Hello Readers,
My apologies for the delay in posting or updating you regarding all things homeschool. The year 2020 will go down in history books as the year that broke us all in some facet. But what I've learned in the last 6 months is surely going to stay with me for the rest of my life. These little tid bits are so powerful, they made me question who I was, my role in life, how others perceive me, and what I seek to accomplish. But none of it mattered when I realized there are some things in life you just have to face... And homeschooling was the one motivational factor that set the wheels of a "new philosophy" in motion. But it wasn't just the philosophy that got me thinking about our homeschool... It was the fact that even 8 years later, I was still stuck in the public-school frame of mind. I wanted out!
HELLOWelcome! My name is LaVonda. I am the wife of Rodney, the mom of 5 remarkable kids (well, 2 are adults now), an avid homeschooler, blogger, and sociologist. I am blessed with the ability to spend my time sharing our homeschool and life experiences with you. It is my hope to provide you with motivation, ideas, and some candid stress-relief through my blog - Mom's Scribe! Grab a cup of coffee, sit on down, and make yourself at home! Past Scribes
August 2020