Dear Readers, Thank you for stopping by! I wanted so badly to wait until the end of our first week of class to do this, but I fear the room would be destroyed - we get super busy during the week and I would be too tired to post a little tour of our homeschool room after the first week, so I thought, why not just do a quick vlog about it while the kids were semi-occupied. With one bathing and one following me around everywhere, I decided to just whip one up for you. Keep in mind, it is extremely low quality because I was using a tablet that has a poor camera on it, and further more, I was still tired from being out in the heat for the majority of the day, so I found myself repeating several words - sorry about that. We are in Arkansas and are experience a heat wave of epic proportion! However, I still managed to get recorded for your, a slightly approving video tour of our classroom. I have so many emails of folks wanting to know what our looked like, I certainly did not want to keep you all waiting. It's uploading as I type this and will hopefully be live in a matter of hours. Feel free to watch the video to gain some insight on how our homeschool operates and feel free to use any ideas you gain from the video. As always, thank you for stopping by! Until next time, LaVonda Don't forget to grab your freebie! ![]()
Hello Readers,
As we begin preparing for our homeschool year, I started thinking about how, as parents, we strive to help our children. Whether we are working on lesson plans that will give them the best opportunity to learn, all the way to coping with everyday stressors that arise. As parent’s we want nothing but the best for our children. As a former public school family, I knew right away that my younger boys were struggling. Not just in school, but with bullying. I fought their fight. I pulled them from public school because I didn’t want them to be afraid. I wanted them to have the ability to learn in a stress-free environment. I wanted them to know that they are loved and appreciated. That their opinions are just as important as the next persons and to be equally responsible for their actions. As I sat down this month to meditate on things, a notion popped into my mind. I couldn’t help but wonder… was my help actually hurting them? Dear Readers,
It’s that time of year again! Time to start thinking about putting away some of the summer fun and buckle down! Time to hit the books and hop aboard the learning train. What better way to get mentally ready than to get physically ready? The distractions that rise up at the most inconvenient time, such as cleaning out a closet, tidying up the pantry or even handling the all-too common “screen time” dilemma are the bane of my existence when it comes to getting ready for the school year. What is a mom (or dad) to do? For the most part, I am more than 80% prepared. The other twenty is getting the kids back in the habit of going to bed at a semi-decent hour, getting the house cleared of all the “distractions”. By those, I mean the things that drive me crazy, such as: |
HELLOWelcome! My name is LaVonda. I am the wife of Rodney, the mom of 5 remarkable kids (well, 2 are adults now), an avid homeschooler, blogger, and sociologist. I am blessed with the ability to spend my time sharing our homeschool and life experiences with you. It is my hope to provide you with motivation, ideas, and some candid stress-relief through my blog - Mom's Scribe! Grab a cup of coffee, sit on down, and make yourself at home! Past Scribes
August 2020