Hello Readers, It's nearly bedtime and something continues to weigh on my mind. No, it's not the million and one things I need to do before our homeschool class starts on Monday. And it's certainly not the thesis I need to be working on. It's not even the mountain of household chores that I rediculously put off today in order to Netflix and nap. It's the bothersome idea that I'm not good enough. Not good enough for my children. Not good enough as a teacher. Not good enough as a homeschool parent. You see, all day long I've been thinking about a post I saw on a facebook group. The comment was something along the lines of "...surrounded by doubt and negativity from outsiders on the choice to homeschool". I immediately thought of a woman just holding her head in her hands, feeling as though the world was out to get her. While I've only had to argue with myself when thoughts like these pop into my head, I was caught off guard by the comment and after reading her tearful pleas for support, I started thinking of how I would approach the issue. Then it occurred to me.
Hello Readers, This week, we continue our series on Hard Truths. So far, we have looked at the ramifications of disorganization and eluded to the notion that indeed, a well-oiled machine doth make for easy work. However, personal health should always take precedence in all aspects. Afterall, what good is an organized home and homeschool, if you are too ill to appreciate it? But it's more than just physical health. Mental and emotional health are to be included if we are going to talk hard and true about health. A person can have good health but still be unwell. Moreover, our support systems (friends, family, and spouse) are also important in our wellness. You can read my blog about cultivating and nurturing friendships here. But what happens when those friendships, family relationships, or even our relationship with our spouse begins to suffer, as life grabs ahold of us. Then what? Organization Part 2: When Life Happens... School Can Still Go OnHello Readers,
Imagine your perfect homeschool day. You've prepped your lessons, you've brewed your coffee, and if you're really on top of your game, you've even surfed the web for a few minutes and came across your favorite blogger (me, right?)! Your kids are getting along, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and you could almost hear the Hallelujah chorus (or something akin to Cinderella and her animal helpers). Yes, all is right with the world. Then it happens! Part 1: Establishing Goals for YOUR Homeschool
However, I'm a realist and I hope to be brutally honest with you what I've found that works... and what doesn't. To start this series, this week I'll focus on organization. Keep in mind yesterday's post about easing into your day and removing pressure. Part of removing pressure is keeping a realistic set of goals, maintaining flexibility, and having a general order.
Hello Readers,
Happy New Year! There is something surreal about starting a new year. A new wall calendar, free of scheduled events is almost euphoric for a busy family, as you dream of things to do on all the days ahead. But sometimes, it can feel maddening as you try to fill those days up with all sorts of learning trips and events. But there is something to be said about time and pressure that you may not have considered. |
HELLOWelcome! My name is LaVonda. I am the wife of Rodney, the mom of 5 remarkable kids (well, 2 are adults now), an avid homeschooler, blogger, and sociologist. I am blessed with the ability to spend my time sharing our homeschool and life experiences with you. It is my hope to provide you with motivation, ideas, and some candid stress-relief through my blog - Mom's Scribe! Grab a cup of coffee, sit on down, and make yourself at home! Past Scribes
August 2020