Hello Readers!
I cannot believe it is nearly 2019. A lot of changes are heading this way for our family and I’ll share them in the coming posts, but for now, I want to really focus on starting the last leg of the school year with encouragement, strength, and focus. Something our family has surely lost sight of and desperately needs to regain. I’m sure you could use some of those positive vibes as well! I’ll start this blog by saying this little disclaimer: in no way does “my way” equal the “best way”. Each parent has their own hardships and choices to make regarding their family. But I would like to share with you something I’ve learned very quickly, but unfortunately, not quick enough: technology and the “time suck”.
We’ve all seen it, felt it or fought it at one time. Many others have succumbed to it. That moment that hits out of the blue. One day you wake up feeling fantastic, ready to take on the world with your awesome homeschool mom skills. The next day, you are fatigued, tired, restless, bored, and just about on the verge of burnout. But you do not have to become a victim!
Around the time I started researching some of the ways to homeschool, I recall learning about "unschooling". "What is this?" I began reading about the term and discovered there are virtually limitless ways you can learn without "learning".
Homeschooling is not just school at home. It is a way for our own children to learn at their own pace and in the comforts and protection of the family home (or co-op) without the rigorous stressors of public school. Today, we began our once-a-quarter "unschooling" week. |
HELLOWelcome! My name is LaVonda. I am the wife of Rodney, the mom of 5 remarkable kids (well, 2 are adults now), an avid homeschooler, blogger, and sociologist. I am blessed with the ability to spend my time sharing our homeschool and life experiences with you. It is my hope to provide you with motivation, ideas, and some candid stress-relief through my blog - Mom's Scribe! Grab a cup of coffee, sit on down, and make yourself at home! Past Scribes
August 2020