You've mashed it! Squished it! Rolled it! That wonderfully soft, brilliantly colored dough that is "play"! The essence of most childhood memories will included the stuff and for as little as $0.50 a container at Wal-Mart, you can almost always afford it... Clean up is another story, and another post entirely! But today, I want to remind all of us old' fogies of how much fun play-doh can be. But I'm going to let you in on a very nice little secret! Shhh! Don't tell anyone! Playdoh is a wonderful learning tool and manipulative for more than just odd-makings. I decided that our kindergartener needed some extra development in learning her letter shapes and what better way than with play-doh?! Using our word processor, I created some large cards with each of the letters of the alphabet, both in capital and lowercase. I laminated them (because we will use them for our daily letter practice, too, and they need to last a while). Using Play-doh, she rolls out little snakes, and then places the doh on top of the shape to make the letter -- Viola! Instant manipulative. It doesn't stop at letters. You can incorporate this same method into numbers, punctuation marks, 1:1 counting, patterns, shapes, oh gosh - now that I think about it, you could even use the dough as a "calming tool" for when you've just found a mess of doh mushed into your carpet! Yes! Doh, even in its worst form, is a great way to learn! Here's our adventure this week. Find out how great her second week of school went - visit our Youtube Channel for videos and updates! Ciao! LaVonda
Imagine this: You are in public, let's say, at the mall, or the salon. Or maybe you are enrolled in college courses. You go about your day, completely blind to those microscopic germs and bacteria that were on the:
Let that sink in for just a minute. Grossed out yet? Maybe. Maybe not. Perhaps you are a germaphobe who washes your hands religiously. Perhaps you take it further and don't even venture outside your home. Or just maybe, you don't worry about the "big ones", like measles, mumps, chicken pox, Hepetitis, rubella, scarlet fever... Because your parents felt strongly about having you vaccinated. Yes, there are reasons to vaccinate, and reasons NOT to vaccinate. Rather than start a debate over the pros and cons, the risks and benefits, I'll limit this post to the title: Why we vaccinate. We vaccinate because there are increasingly more who do not. The rates of outbreaks, specifically mumps and whooping cough are on the rise. Meningococcal meningitis among public educational institutions are also increasing. We vaccinate to protect ourselves. Do we get ALL of them? No! The HPV vaccine is the one we elect not to recieve, and for good reason. The mere thought of cancer is somewhat debilitating. Knowing that certain strains of HPV have been linked to some cancers is... well, as scary as hell. But the thought of having a vaccine that was nothing if not forced into society through less than (my) satisfactory testing and studies. The alarm of increased risk with this vaccine has my red flags waving. Now is not the time for my family to be at risk for those who rightfully choose against vaccinating their children. We homeschool, we vaccinate. We made the choice that is right for us. Ciao! LaVonda |
HELLOWelcome! My name is LaVonda. I am the wife of Rodney, the mom of 5 remarkable kids (well, 2 are adults now), an avid homeschooler, blogger, and sociologist. I am blessed with the ability to spend my time sharing our homeschool and life experiences with you. It is my hope to provide you with motivation, ideas, and some candid stress-relief through my blog - Mom's Scribe! Grab a cup of coffee, sit on down, and make yourself at home! Past Scribes
August 2020